Rainbow Companies is comprised of Rainbow Treecare, Lawncare, & Pest Experts (Twin Cities services), Rainbow Ecoscience (product R&D and sales), Growth Solutions, ArborScientific, & VerdeCare.
Residential & Commercial Services
Twin Cities Metro, MN

Rainbow Treecare brings science-based arboriculture and industry-leading plant healthcare to the Twin Cities’ urban forest.
www.rainbowtreecare.com | Careers
Rainbow Lawncare brings ecological integrity to the Twin Cities’ turf care market by offering science-backed, environmentally friendly lawn services.
www.rainbowlawncare.com | Careers
Rainbow Pest Experts brings integrity to pest control by solving pest problems and creating solutions that are based in science and research.
www.rainbowpestexperts.com | Careers
Rainbow Holiday Design specializes in illuminating homes, landscapes, and municipal sites for the holiday season in the Twin Cities, MN.
Research & Product Distribution
National USA

Rainbow Ecoscience was born to bring science-backed management protocols and tools to the plant healthcare market nationwide.
www.rainbowecoscience.com | Careers
Growth Regulator Application Service
National USA

Growth Solutions was created to transform how trees are cared for by utilities so that they are healthier, less expensive to maintain, and provide superior reliability over-pruning alone.
www.growthsolutionsfortrees.com | Careers
Growth Regulator Application Service

Arbor Scientific was created to transform how trees are cared for by utilities in Australia so that they are healthier, less expensive to maintain, and provide superior reliability over-pruning alone.
Utility Planning Service
National USA

Verdecare provides work planning for utilities, supporting corridors of power and habitat that bridge our communities to one another and nature.